A plethora of manufacturers from all over the world is competing to design the best hiking/trekking shoes, each with its unique color range and style. I was a beginner and unsure about what to go with. I guess all of us can relate to this, right? Of course, we’ll have to choose one. Our typical criteria for making a purchase when we are a beginner is cost-effectiveness, fulfillment, and availability. For this reason, I got my hands on the Quechua NH100 Mid Hiking Shoes.
I won’t say anything terrible about these hiking shoes, such as that they’re of low quality, not worth considering, or anything else. The price, look, and quality make it suitable for newbie hikers but not for pros. Now, after three years of use, the sole of my shoes finally gave up. However, I should clarify that I was a beginner who did not regularly engage in hiking or trekking. Before we get to the conclusion, let’s look at the details and see whether these hiking boots are worth the money.
Price: 1499 INR ($ 34.99)
Manufacturer: Decathlon
Quechua NH100 Mid-Hiking Shoes Pros & Cons
Why Did I Choose Quechua NH100 Mid-Hiking Shoes?

I picked these hiking boots for three reasons. The main reason was that I was going on a hike shortly and wanted a pair as soon as possible. Decathlon is a prominent brand, and its products are of high quality. Second, in comparison to other popular brands of hiking or trekking boots, the price was reasonable. As a newbie, I thought it wouldn’t hurt to invest in my first pair. Because I’ve bought a lot of expensive shoes in the past that ended up becoming trash within a few weeks.
Third, at first glance, I loved these boots. I performed all of my usual tests before purchasing the boots, so the quality of the sole seemed to be satisfactory. Initially, I appreciated its appearance, color, and elegance. I still believe that these boots have a decent style and quality.
Here’s The Verdict
The Quechua NH100 Mid Hiking Shoes are suitable for short hikes and country footpaths. These are immediately comfy, lightweight, supple, and simple to wear. Boots are exceptionally light in comparison to other types since these are not intended to be used for mountain climbing. The Quechua NH100 Mid is a fantastic option for someone new to backpacking, occasional hikers, and loose or rocky trails. The price is reasonable, and the performance is enough to get started.
Quechua NH100 Mid-Hiking Shoe Specifications

Weight: Each shoe weighs only 13 oz (318 g) in size US W 8 (EU 39)
- Outer sole – 100% Rubber – Thermoplastic
- Upper – 55% Polyurethane and 45% Polyester cationic
- Lining and sock – 50% Ethylene vinyl acetate and 50% Polyester cationic
Warranty: 2 years warranty
Water-Resistance: No
Durability and Weight
The Quechua NH100 Mid-Hiking Shoes were subjected to several laboratory testing for durability and other factors. This hiking shoe is intended for usage on rural trails. Indeed, Decathlon states that they choose the components of our boots’ soles and uppers and test them to guarantee that they are perfect for hiking on loose routes (e.g., dirt forest paths) or rocky trails (e.g. rocky coastal paths). I agree; I’ve used them outside of their build type and they can withstand abuse. However, road usage (asphalt) might cause these hiking shoes to wear out faster and create discomfort. They are unsuitable for mountaineering. Regular hikers and trekkers won’t have much use for these shoes.
The best feature of these boots is their light weight. The Quechua NH100 Mid-Hiking Shoes are lightweight, weighing just 13 oz (318 g) in size US W 8 (EU 39). Because of its weight, your foot will not be under a lot of strain, which is ideal. Since they are lighter, the support, durability, and longevity of these boots are reduced.
Comfort and Cost
When it comes to comfort, it feels soft and provides heel cushioning with a 6 mm EVA pad that is designed for natural pathways. However, when I went on long-distance or frequent hikes, the front bottom and outer part of my foot hurt. I found the sole to be rather rigid, which is why I found it difficult to use these hiking boots for extended time and distances.
For this price, comfort is sufficient. When compared to their price, these hiking shoes provide a lot. This Decathlon NH100 mid-shoe costs significantly less and provides enough value for the price, quality, and so on. Comfort is important in relevant employment, and they are comfy. The issue emerges when it is used outside of its intended environment or build type.
Grip and Traction
According to Decathlon, it is made of a special rubber composition that provides the optimum balance of grip and traction. The NH100 mid-shoe design will give more traction than grip. The grip is defined as not sliding on soft ground (greasy or dry). Traction is defined as not sliding on hard terrain (wet or dry).
Personally, I don’t believe I had many difficulties in this part. This shoe’s grip and traction are modest and operate well in the environment it is made for.
Water Resistance and Breathability
NH100 mid-shoe doesn’t provide water resistance and hence you won’t have to worry a lot about breathability. What exactly is the role of breathability? When hiking, moisture must be efficiently managed: We sweat and it’s natural. If your footwear is breathable, it will absorb the moisture from your sweat.
This shoe is breathable, but not enough to wick away all sweat. So buy decent socks for yourself. It’s a good idea to buy socks that absorb sweat to keep the moisture away from your feet as much as possible.
Should You Buy Quechua NH100 Mid-Hiking Shoes?

Do I think they’re worth the money? In all honesty, it depends on what you want in hiking boots. A pair of Quechua NH100 won’t be traveling with you for many years unless you merely want to use them for occasional short trails. If you choose to travel in harsh terrain, you and your boots may have to part ways after just a few weeks. They’re just too light.
Are they a good investment? Yes! I have to admit that I believe they are, but only if you plan on utilizing them on country footpaths rather than mountain or rough-country terrain. My Quechua NH100 Mid Hiking Shoes cost $34.99 and lasted 3 years with just 10-15 hikes. However, I must emphasize that if I required a decent robust boot fit for trekking, I would not risk my money on a pair of Quechua NH100. I’d rather spend a little extra and buy another pair of hiking boots.
Read FAQs
Is Quechua a good hiking shoes?
The Quechua NH100 Mid Hiking Shoes are suitable for short hikes and country footpaths. These are immediately comfy, lightweight, supple, and simple to wear. The NH100 Mid is an excellent choice for first-time backpackers, low-key hikers, and loose or rocky trails. Regular hikers and trekkers won't have much to do with this shoe.
Are Quechua shoes durable?
The Quechua NH100 Mid is a high-quality build. Decathlon runs numerous laboratory tests for durability and other factors. The Quechua NH100 Mid is an excellent choice for first-time backpackers, low-key hikers, and loose or rocky trails. Regular hikers and trekkers won't have much to do with this shoe.